Whenever I think of Leo, the image of a great lion in the Zoo of Barcelona which i first met in an outing with my daughter, then 11 years old. I could not stop photographing it. Its absolutely real bearing, I wouldn’t doubt that this animal, despite not being the fiercest and bravest, is the King of the jungle. There is something about this huge cat that defies reason and logic. It’s not even the largest and is the female which goes out to seek food. Even so, his extraordinary mane and porte inspire a brutal respect.
There is something extraordinarily noble and Royal in the way he sits, walks. The same goes for the Leo’s of the Zodiac. They appear to be equal to all other humans, with our racial and cultural differences, but something separates them from the rest of us. There’s no denying that something in them is more striking than in other mortals. Especially if Leo is in the ascendant or the luminaries (Sun and Moon).
But of course, is not only their appearance, that distinguishes Leo, that would mean that they are superficial and that is not the case. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the star of our planetary system, around which, we all turn around and feed from the huge electromagnetic waves emanating constantly. Its power tans our skin and fills us with vitamin D, essential for happiness, among other things. If it dies we all die.
The Sun and Leo talk about the hero’s journey, in search of himself. Many believe that this is the sign of creativity, but I tend to think like Liz Greene, Gemini, Cancer, Pisces and Taurus are the creative signs of the Zodiac, but it depends on what we mean when we talk about creativity. Leos are actually more interested in discovering what differentiates them from others, what is that which is ‘unique’ to them, that their soul needs to evolve. This is also a creative process. Creativity in the search for oneself. Leo isn’t interested in being “the best”, but in being “unique”. If we think of the LEOS known in the art world we can see this phenomenon clearly, some of these extraordinary Leos who may not be technically better than others, but even so, are unique: Madonna, Mick Jagger, Jennifer López, Marcel Duchamp, Louis Armstrong, Tina Turner (ASC) Andy Warhal, Barack Obama, Whitney Houston, Louis Vitton, Roger Federer, Usaín Bolt, Henry Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I left Chris Hemsworth to the end, because I think that the role he played in the film Thor (the equivalent to Zeus, in Nordic and Germanic mythology) God of Thunder and Lightning, was a good example of the symbolism of Jupiter in Leo.
The difficulty of the journey of Leo, manifests itself when Leo starts to feel and experience its uniqueness before finding it and connecting with it. It is here that a kind of arrogance and aggrandizement begins to annoy everyone around them. Feel unique, but without yet knowing why, it is the beginning of the journey and is a very young stage of the Leo who then must go forth in search of himself and discover what and how they are different. There are many stories that speak of this journey of the hero, but the search, for Leo, is intimately linked to the story of saving the old King, diseased and/or decayed. In the life of many Leos, the father is sick or destitute in some form or another, sometimes they come from rich families that have lost it all and is the Leo child, who takes upon him/herself to care for or re-elevate the defeated father figure. I have seen this pattern very often in the life of the Leos and particularly those with ASC in Leo.
As well as Thor, Jupiter is a god that arrive to power, after overthrowing the father. Zeus becomes the head of Olympus, after defeating the Titans, and Saturn, his father. A wonderful allegory of the Jupiter-Saturn relationship in the sense that the first invites us to expand our horizons, to risk, to excess and Saturn reminds us of our limitations.
With Jupiter in Leo in a birth chart, we can see a noble spirit in search of his Center and his own truth. Jupiter is the step beyond Mars that is the more brainless Warrior, who believes in his own strength, but doesn’t question much. Jupiter whispers to us about other truths. Invites us to the expansion and tells us: “Look beyond your neighborhood, your city, your country” “there are other truths beyond your borders” “Search!”
On its journey through Leo, Jupiter will form a square “almost” (3 to 5 ° ORB) to Saturn in Scorpio in the last months of 2014, but this will not be exact until 3 August 2015, just before Jupiter finally moves into Virgo. This is an interesting proposition, especially when these two planets come from being in trine during part of the 2013-2014 and we have seen many wars in defence of the homeland, of ideals and tribal differences (Jupiter in Cancer) and support to the rebels by large institutions (Saturn in Scorpio).
We can consider that the square by sign between these two, will be present throughout the year. It is also accompanied by trines to Uranus which become exact 3 times: 25-26 of September 2014, March 1, 2015 and June 21-22, 2015. Jupiter in Leo(our ideals and beliefs)-Uranus in Aries (the rampant desire for freedom and being ready to fight for it) will bring the referendum in Scotland, voting in September, to stay as part of the United Kingdom or become independent. The last time Jupiter was in Leo, Gibraltar voted to stay under the English flag. What will happen this time?
On 2 and 3 August Jupiter in Leo will link with Mercury at about 3 ° of Leo, and the Sun around 9º, and will form a square to Mars in Scorpio which will be in line with the Moon at about 3 degrees of Scorpio. We can say that those people with planets in fixed signs: Tauro-Leo – Scorpio-Aquarius within those degrees, will have to contain their need to impose their will on others, and look deep inside, to understand why they need to do so.
Jupiter in Leo will be an extraordinary array of possibilities for the Leos, that have long wanted to get rid of oppressive situations, for Aries and Sagittarius a good breath of fresh air and optimism, particularly Aries, much needed.
Sagittarius is preparing for the brief entry of Saturn in their sign in December where will stay until December 2017, although there is a small break between June 16 and September 19, 2015, when Saturn dips back into Scorpio.
Jupiter in Leo, favors inner search, the sculpture of the self, the expansion of ego and brings us great optimism, we’ll have resort to Saturn at all times not to over do it, but enjoy this spectacular and powerful energy that will put us in contact with faith in the unknown once again.