Many wars and political changes often occur in the period between Eclipses and many times exactly on the day of the eclipse. Very often in the lunar eclipses which occur in full moons.
Most of us live through the eclipses without even being conscious of it, or at the most, we read in newspapers that one approaches, in most cases, if they are visible, where we live. Even so, we more or less know that there are 2 or 3 eclipses each year, regardless if they are solar or Lunar. Even so, the truth is that eclipses are cosmic events that recur each year and more, follow a pattern and form families that have a starting point and last thousands of years.
Eclipses form when a New Moon (Solar Eclipses) or Full Moon (Lunar Eclipses) pick near the angle of the Lunar nodes, those points where the orbit of the Moon intersects the path of the Earth around the Sun. Every eclipse belongs to a series called Saros Series. Each Saros series has its own number sequence. A feature of the Saros Series is that each one of them start, as eclipses, near the North node or the South node of the Moon. They have a duration of nearly 1300 years, between 12 and 13 centuries and contains some 70 eclipses and when a series ends another one begins.This full moon belongs to the Saros 112 group, at 15N, and is the eclipse No. 65 of this series of 72, which began with an eclipse on year 0859 may 20 and will end of July 12, 2139. That means that the total duration of this series will be of 1280 years.
In the natal chart of that first eclipse in this series, Mars was in conjunction with Saturn and in this eclipse on April 25, Mars conjunct the Sun about 5º Taurus, is in opposition Saturn which is right between the Moon at 5 degrees of Scorpio and the North node.
Saturn with the Moon speaks of controlled and reserved emotions, but with the opposition of Mars and the Sun, I think that it describes pretty well, the situation with North Korea at this time. Many threats of war (MARS) with a blockade formed by USA, Japan and China, surprisingly! agreeing for once. Venus in Taurus is located in conjunction to the South node and the asteroid Pallas Athena, as if our independence was the most important thing at this moment. Uranus and Pluto are on their way to another exact square, the 4th time the’ll meet, on May 21st. The need to escape from situations that make us feel dependent on others will be intense.
When we speak of any of these planets and especially the Association of Mars and Saturn, the neck hairs are tipped. But this time many trigoni are signs of water, which seems augur a peaceful resolution to the situation in question. But mercury in Aries, is quickly approaching with Eris, which also describes, more warlike verbiage.
And what will happen on a personal level? If you have planets or angles at about 5º of Taurus-Scorpio, or Leo – Aquarius, it is possible that situations that have been strained will explode and end up sorting themselves out, putting an end to a period of tension and unresolved issues as well. Even so, it is possible that we make important decisions that mean saying goodbye to situations or people, who have accompanied us for a while and that we felt very attached to.
The issues that are already developing and that have started for the last new moon in Aries, will be in evidence. This eclipse occurs in the angle Tauro-Escorpio that speaks to us of our deepest values and our need of security within ourselves. Both financial and emotional security, and particularly the issues of shared resources. For example shared mortgages, inheritance, etc. All those couples who pay things together, for example, it is possible that they are at a point of great stress in this regard, with issues to resolve. But the great Ttine in the Water element, between Neptuno-Chiron, Saturn and Ceres will help us see clearly what it is that we need at this time in our life and give us clues as how to get out there looking for it.
The good thing about Saturn, which I repeat is part of this eclipse significantly, is that it helps us to see clearly the Reality of our situation, therefore forcing us to walk with our feet securely on the ground. For all those who have been escaping reality and living in utopia, the blow can be hard.
The most positive side of this eclipse as it is with almost all eclipses is that they present us with opportunities that we did not see before and can open doors to something new and better.