Here finally comes the new moon in Aries from 2013, a unique astrological moment of the year, since it reinforces that energy that started in the Spring-Autumn Equinox on March 20.
The Sun and the Moon are in 20° Aries 41′, and give us the necessary impetus for the start of a new year, a new project, almost I would say “The” project of the year.
This is a special moment, in the sense that just 20 hours after that new moon peaks, the Moon continues to the sign of Taurus, giving the impulse of the Earth element, necessary to give way or materialize the project that is ready to jump into its full manifestation.
But this doesn’t end there.
This New Moon, take place in the company of Venus and Mars also in Aries at about 22 to 24 degrees respectively, further strengthening the need to realize our deepest desires in search of the reward for our efforts and on their way to the realization of our Fate. Aries reminds us that the impulse to action comes from far beyond the mental understanding. It drives the soul and the body follows, without the necessary awareness of the motivations of such action.
It is a pure energy, as if the soul give us a push in the back, saying: “OK! “NOW!”
Fears that come from Pluto in Capricorn vanish, and there is a certain freedom of action, something like the wind blowing in favour of the motion.
Saturn forms a T-cuadrante with Pallas, in opposition, and Juno, in square and as the apex.
The desire to remain faithful to a personal relationship is in conflict with the need for freedom of action and desire to be an individual and manifest our own individual Fate.
If you find yourself in a situation where the actions or position of others seems to impede your progress, then think again, if the obstacle is real or if you have allow its existence, to learn something about yourself.
Nothing can stand between you and your Fate, you can be sure of that, remember: the momentum towards the manifestation of your own destiny comes from far beyond this current life experience. Aries gives us the opportunity to renew the momentum and get us to be and learn, all that we have come to BE and LEARN.
Ceres from Cancer, sign in which she feels particularly confortable, naturally, slowly comes to the trine with Saturn and Neptune-Chiron, thus forming a Water Grand Trine, allowing emotions to flow in harmony, giving us a sense of going in the right direction, it kind of supports our action, and offering the possibility of healing old wounds.
Two days later, on the 12th, Pluto stations retrograde until September 20th, day in which it will come to the 4th square to Uranus at about 9° of Capricorn-Aries, the 3rd will be at about 11º on May 21st. A reminder that the global and personal situation that is giving us one of the most important lessons of life still standing, and this does not mean only difficult and negative situations. Simply all those changes that are being forced upon us, to redirect our lives and which demands great patience and self-analysis.
Enjoy this new impetus and new sudden courage which are there to help you take some decisions that even if they seem difficult, will have the protection of the Cosmos. Trust and let it flow.