New Moon in Libra, September 27th and the Troy Davis case.

New Moon in Libra, September 27th and the Troy Davis case.

After an absence of few days, i feel the need to mention the coincidence of the execution of Troy Davis with the movement of the Sun towards the sign of Libra. Just a day before the Sun moves into the sign symbolized by the Scales of Justice, an apparent injustice is committed, when they deny Troy Davis the opportunity to pass the lie detector, which his lawyers were appealing for. I couldn’t even pretend to know what happened on that night of August 1989, when the off-duty policeman Mark Mac Phail was shot. I will publish here the noon chart of Troy Davis, to see the revealing transits for that night, but none of us will ever know if he was guilty or not. But what it transpires quite clearly is that the lawyers obviously didn’t prove “beyond reasonable doubt” his guilt. Davis has been maintaining his innocence ever since and even just before he was executed.
In his birth chart we can see that the night of the shooting, the transiting Moon was in opposition to his Pluto and Mercury (who carries the souls to the Underworld of Hades)was coming to the conjunction of it. At the same time transiting Pluto was coming to the exact conjunction to natal Venus (to remind us of Afrodite’s journey down to the Underworld once again)and remained there for the length of the trial. He was experiencing the square of transiting Uranus to its own natal position, and transiting Neptune-Saturn where in perfect square to the Moon Nodes, typical moments when our Karma really manifests. Also opposing Chiron, which of course now for his execution Neptune-Chiron are in conjunction in Aquarius Pisces respectively. Unfortunately the lack of the time of birth does not allow us to see in which houses all of this happens. But as far as I am concerned the transits are very eloquent, at least to make us think.
Yet what is most disconcerting for me in this case, is the fact that the family of the victim, after 21 years, needed to go and sit in first row, to witness the execution to have some kind of “closure”. I wonder by which mysterious process this could happen.
As if now that the apparent killer (and I don’t know how come they don’t have any doubts of his guilt, since they weren’t there when it happened and it wasn’t proved beyond reasonable doubt) is also dead, they will have peace of mind and will be able to sleep? How?
All of these speaks to me of the need of our journey to the Underworld, where we find ourselves confronted by our most obscure nature. The one that hates, seeks revenge, kills, steals, feels envy, resentment, etc. And I also wonder who is free of such feelings? The Underworld of Pluto will remain dark as long as we keep on saying: “Me, jealous?, never!” ” I don’t feel envy, i only feel good envy? (Most of us say)
What about forgiveness? What about dealing with our own dark motives? Until when do we need to continue with ” eye for an eye…..”?
After 20 years we need to witness the death of the killer to have closure? how? How is that going to bring peace of mind? Obviously I wouldn’t pretend to know what they feel, since that has never happened to me.
But injustices happen all the time and we hate for it. Even in countries where the isn’t a death penalties, Courts are filled with cases of injustice, like in the case of Strauss Kahnn, versus the hotel maid. And we hate when we hear him speak after going back to France, in his “first statement after the event took place”. Not a hint of repentance or remorse. He said:” So everybody knows I like women, so what?”.
The Sun enters Libra as

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Amanda Knox also struggles to prove her innocence in an Italian court. The American student accused of killing her room mate in a small town in Italy where they were both students.
This New Moon forms when there are 6 planets in Libra, included Venus, its ruler. Mercury conjuncts the lunation which at the same time, re-enacts the cardinal T-Square, by opposing Uranus in Aries and squaring Pluto in Capricorn. This seems to be a reminder that we must continue with the change and not try to remain functioning from old patterns of behavior. Whatever is coming to an end in your life, this could be a decisive moment, when you realize the imminence of it all. A job, a relationship, a profession, a friendship, which does not allow you to grow anymore, must go, or at least transform. Cardinal signs are most affected by this lunation,in particular Cancer, which is the missing leg of the T-Square.
But none of these has to be a negative thing. On the contrary, this is an incredible opportunity for us to grow, into something better than now.
Venus in conjunction to Juno and Saturn in Libra, speak to us of the kind of relationship that has nothing to do with “being in love”. This is the work of the spouse. This is when we must find the balance between responsibility and pleasure in a relationship. This is the work that needs to be done, in order to have a rewarding long lasting relationship. Not the one, than when lust is over, we walk out of.
This is a process of priorities and real love. When we actually put on that Balance, what is most important for us and what is important to the other. And here is when Venus Saturn becomes so relevant. This is also a transit about self-steem, and how to obtain it.
If you were one of those lucky ones, that when you were a child and went: “-Look Daddy!, look Mummy!-” found a wonderful mixture of admiration and joy in their faces, then your job is easier when it comes to self-steem. But if you haven’t, then you’ll have to work for it.
Venus-Saturn finds value in the effort of developing our “inner calling” like James Hillman calls it, in his wonderful book ” The soul’s code”. HE says that ” every soul comes responding to a call” and it is our main obligation to find out what that is and give expression to it. It is precisely the hard work that we put into it, that gives us value as individuals.
You may lose a relationship or your finances but you will never be able to lose the hard work you have put into the development of your own talents. It is in that work that our life finds meaning and value. It is that very work that makes us unique and powerful, because nobody can do that for us, nor can anyone take that away from us.
Watching XFactor USA the other night I suddenly realize the magic that this kind of programs have. With a phone call we can make somebody’s dream of doing what they love doing, ALL THE TIME and make money with it, come true.
We can do it for others but we must also do it for ourselves. Without loving what we do, there is no chance of loving anything else. It is through the hard work towards our dreams and the expression of our talents that we learn to truly love ourselves and gain self-steem. The real talent is not the abilities we are born with, but the work we must put in our lives to be able to develop them. That is the lesson of Venus-Saturn.
Mars in Leo will help us in the journey to become who we really are. Dare to change, dare to go after your dreams. The moment just before the New Moon is a moment of contemplation, of silence of the soul, so that we can silently understand what is demanding of us.


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  1. The Troy Davis case points out the fallacy of capital punishment as a necessary evil. The evil is in the execution (both literal and metaphorically). The “law” to kill becomes the trump over any pretense of justice. If we were to stipulate that a death penalty has its place to remove from society those we deem too dangerous to live, that would presuppose a system whereby only those clearly guilty of violence and deemed still dangerous would be executed. Instead, we have a system in which the fact of sentencing is the rationale for the state to murder. Yet, how much sense does it make, even for the stipulated rationale, to coldly, deliberately, with much forethought and notice, murder people who are clearly caught, incarcerated, and removed from violent impact on the rest of us? The death penalty is not about justice, or fear of violence, or even ultimately revenge. It is about a culture that worships death and human sacrifice.

  2. Thank you Libramoon. You are so right, and I feel that with Chiron in Pisces and Neptune coming into its own sign, the spirit of sacrifice will be even more relevant. Thank you for your comment.

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