Wow! Can’t believe that I haven’t written in English since June, but my blog in Spanish and life, seem to be taking most of my time at this particular moment.
So many incredible things have happened in this past month, with the fall of News of the World and hence of Rupert Murdoch and the arrest of Rebekah Brooks-Wade, the release of Casey Anthony, all around the time of this powerful Full Moon in the Capricorn-Cancer angle, which brings forth the subject of orbs when it comes to the astrological aspects.
This was the Capricorn Moon after the Cancer Solar Eclipse on July 1st and it completes the cycle of lunation that aspected the Great Cardinal T-Square, that is changing the world as we watch it happening.
This Full Moon at 22º Capricorn 27′ doesn’t by orb aspect this T-Square, but Venus in Cancer does. Meaning, Venus at 13º Cancer 35′makes a conjunction to the Sun, opposition to the Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, a square to Saturn in Libra and Uranus in Aries, and yet more Heads of Great Institutions (Pluto in Cap and Saturn in Lib) dive down from great positions of power.
Although there doesn’t seem to be a time of birth for Rebekah Brooks, we can see in her birthchart, her natural talent for the position that she had as Editor of one of papers of one of the most powerful News Empires in the World.
Sun-Moon-Mar-Mercury in Gemini. Yet, That Venus in the last degrees of Taurus and right next to the Sun in Gemini is tied up in a T-Square to Jupiter and Neptune, which also speaks volumes of the situation she finds herself in. Venus (her values) with Jupiter (grandiosity) and Neptune (blurred limits and dubious activities), could have helped her to turn a blind eye to not-so honest ways of getting the news.
The Full Moon this past week end made an almost exact square to her Saturn (Lord of Karma), at the same time that Saturn by transit, is about to oppose itself. These are times when we have to confront the result of past decisions and actions.
I tend to think that she probably has a Fire ASC, probably at the last degrees of Aries, which will put that Venus in Taurus in the 1st or 2nd house and probably Neptune in the 8th. That red hair! Well, that is just my imagination. But what do you think?
The most incredible thing is the fact that Rupert Murdoch, also has his Saturn at 21º but of Capricorn exactly square Rebekah’s Saturn, as part of THE t-square which resembles the actual one, which happened in the 30′s, involving Saturn in Capricorn, Pluto in Cancer and Uranus in Aries, which was also the time of the GREAT DEPRESSION. Isn’t Astrology wonderful?
If the time of birth of Rupert Murdoch is the right one, it means he has Saturn by transit over his 10th house. Fall from grace?
They both have Venus-Neptune contacts which speaks of easy to twist set of
values and Murdoch has his Moon in trine to Neptune.
This Full Moon was not an easy Moon for anyone with cardinal angles in their birth chart or with planets in the cardinal signs. Feel free to comment on your experience of this past week end.